2009 - 2010 



Vice President





Kelly Jank 


Brandy Sanchez

Holly Hall

Brenda Guin


Board members can be contacted at bvepta@gmail.com



Once you join our PTA you will receive a membership card that entitles you to many valuable things.  First and foremost is the satisfaction that you are supporting your child and their school.  Along with those benefits, you will also gain friendships and a support network that will be invaluable.


Membership is open to anyone with a child at Buena Vista.  Parents, Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and even staff members.


Join today and help make a difference at your child's school!


Membership fee is only $5.00!

Buena Vista PTA Membership 2009-2010



Phone Number______________________________________

E-Mail Address______________________________________

Membership Fee $5.00

      Make checks payable to Buena Vista PTA


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